Why do we increase the number of orders by building a store application?
When you decide to Building a store application You are basically designing a mobile store headquarters. After designing a store application (WoCommerce application) and presenting it to customers, it is time to use strategies to improve your sales performance through the application.
The nature of store applications is such that it encourages and persuades customers to buy goods, or to visit later. Because in store applications, all the products are in front of the customer and there is no view limit like in the real store, and also the customer can see the products and compare them and finally buy them without any contact with the seller and with complete comfort.
One of the most important advantages of store applications is that the products are completely available to the customer at any hour of the day and night. In such a situation, the customer will see the products in full and among them he will identify all the things he needs and will order them right away.
For these reasons, if a real store prepares a store application, it can help its sales more than it imagines.
Lack of time, sellers' lack of trust in the customer to check all the products, lack of space to display all the products, lack of time for the seller to explain all the products to the customers, handling the store's affairs and responding to the customers at the same time, etc. Among the things that prevent more sales in traditional stores, if a store by designing and producing a mobile store application can easily remove these restrictions and obstacles and encourage the customer to buy more.
Online store application system Appchar allows you to own your own mobile store application in the shortest time with the lowest cost.
An example of customers whose orders improved significantly after the release of their application, The application was Xiaomi Shop.