Add video to articles

Plugin to add video to articles (video to post) almost like the plugin Add video to products is.

Users who have activated the blog plugin in their application, may also prepare two post maker plugins and add video to articles plugin.

How to activate the plugin to add video to articles (posts):

For this, it is sufficient to first purchase the license on the Opchar site. Then visit your site and activate the plugin license.

Add video to articles

After activation, go to the desired article. In the sidebar (left side of the panel) there is a section for adding video to the post.

If you look at the picture below. There is an empty box and an add video button.

1- You can put the desired link of the device in the empty box
2- By clicking on adding video to the post, you can add the desired file from the media section.

How to extract the link from the device:
Go to the Aparat site for the video you want. At the bottom of the Aparat site, there is a video download button. By right clicking on it, you can copy the desired quality link and place it on your site. Proceed as shown in the image below.

After copying the link from the device, refer to the desired article and put the link in the relevant box and press the publish article button.

How to display the plugin in the application:



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