To register the application in Cafe Bazaar, first go to the section Developers Visit Cafe Bazar website. After referring to this section, there are various items. You can first Terms and Conditions Read this section. You can register as a developer from the registration section.
After hitting the registration button on the page Under You are guided.
By entering your email and password, you go through the first step of registration. Note that if you want to register the account in the name of your organization, use the organizational email.
After registration, an email will be sent to you and by clicking on the link sent in the email, you can proceed with the rest of the registration process.
By clicking on the link, you will enter the following page. Note that in this guide, personal registration training is given. But if you are an organization, choose a corporate account.
In the second step, you must enter the personal details completely.
In the third step, you must choose the name of the developer. This name will be displayed under the name of all the apps registered by you.
If you have a website, enter its address in this field.
In the fourth step, a 4-digit code will be sent to the mobile number specified in the second step. After entering the code, your registration is complete. You can enter your front desk.
Pishkhan Bazar panel
First, you must confirm the contract with Cafe Bazaar and then refer to the rest of the sections.
One of the points that must be observed in Pishkhan is the information section of the publisher. Until this part is confirmed, you cannot send any app for publication. Note, check your email until your status is confirmed. You may have been rejected for a specific reason and the reason has been sent to you and you should fix this issue.
Note: If your status has not been confirmed after a few days, you can send a ticket from the support section and follow up on the confirmation of your user.
From the subscription status section, you can top up your account. The account charge amount is annual. Note that if your account is not charged, you cannot publish or update the app.
Application registration
Note that Pishkhan Bazar has different parts. such as the advertising section or the financial section and appointments, etc., which you can refer to those sections according to your needs and ask the market support for things that are unclear to you.
For the initial registration of the application, refer to the programs section and press the new program button.
The first step is to select the main application category. Please choose the appropriate category for your application. And then upload the apk file of your application. Then click the create program button. Now your program has been added to the list.
Before publishing the application, you must enter the application information. To do this, click on the name of the app from the list of programs. On the page that opens, there are the following items to check.
1- Dashboard:
In this section, you can see information about the number of installations and sales
2- Information:
This section must be completed before publication. Basic information such as description, etc. of the application, which must be entered in two languages. Support information that is your way of communication and price information.
3- Pictures:
Before publication, this section must be completed. The application icon and screenshot are mandatory for the application.
4- Packages:
If you want to upload a new version of your app, you must enter this section.
After completing this information, you can click on the request to publish. All the above steps are necessary to register the application in Cafe Bazaar. After checking the program by the market, which is a maximum of one working week, the result of the release will be determined. If approved, the application will be registered in Cafe Bazaar. If it is rejected, the reason will be emailed to you and visible on the panel. After fixing the problem, you can request to publish again.
I hope we have helped you to register the application in Cafe Bazar.
Tips to help Appchar app builder customers:
To register store applications, you must have received the electronic trust symbol and organization symbol for your website. Otherwise Cafe Bazaar will not publish your application.
If you can't or don't have enough time to go through the above steps, you can leave this work to us.