Add a map to the order (customer location)

Most of the users are interested, in addition to writing their address, customers can also specify the location in their order.   Plugin to add a map in the order It helps you to get the customer's location from them when filling the payment form.

How to activate the plugin to add a map to the order:

First, you must purchase the license for this plugin. After purchasing the license, you must go to your WordPress panel and activate the license from the Appchar section, Appchar plugins. After activation, you must download the Google api and send a ticket to appchar support so that the api will be included in the application and the new build of the app will be available to you. (Note that this plugin can be used when the google api is included in the app details.)

After the api is activated in the app, a button to select a location on the map will be added to the app's checkout section.

The location link is available in the admin panel in the desired fields section.

You can open the location with the map.

How to get google api:

1- First on click here do it Note that the anti-filter or vpn must be active.


2- Click on select a project.

3- Click on new project.

Add a map to the order

4- Define a name for the project and then press the creat button.

5- Then select the created project and then click on the ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button.

6- Then select Maps SDK for Android from among the available items.

7- Click the ENABLE button on the new page.

8- Then on the new page, select CREDENTIALS.

9- Then click the create credentials button.

10- Then copy the created api and send it to support.

Pay attention that all the route is according to the description above.



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