Increasing the speed of the WordPress site on mobile

How to increase the speed of WordPress site on mobile

Why is WordPress site speed important on mobile?

Various studies around the world show that from 2000 to 2016, the average human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds to 7 seconds. What does this mean for you as a website owner?

This means that the speed of the WordPress site is very important, because you have very little time to show your content to the user and convince him to stay on your site.

According to the Strange-Loop case study, which includes Amazon, Google and other major sites in the world, for every one second of delay in page loading, there is a 7% decrease in engagement rate and an 11% decrease in site page views, and customer satisfaction as well. It decreases to 16%.

In addition, Google and other search engines penalize slow sites because they reduce the quality of user experience and satisfaction, and lower their ranking on search results pages.

As a result, if you have a slow site, less traffic will be directed to it. Therefore, if you are looking for more traffic, visitors, and income, you need to speed up your WordPress site.

The most important thing you should focus on for mobile site optimization is the mobile site loading speed. Even if you have the most beautiful responsive design, but the site loading speed is low, you will not get the desired result. Because the speed of the site directly affects the interaction of users with the site and your sales.

There are many reasons for slow WordPress site speed; including hosting, caching, site errors, and more. No matter what industry you're in and what your site's business is, it's possible to greatly improve your mobile (or desktop) site speed.

In this section, we introduce 4 tools for testing mobile WordPress site speed:

Google PageSpeed Insights

This tool, created by Google to measure page performance and site speed for mobile and desktop, scores pages between 0 and 100. This score is given based on the speed of the page and its capabilities. In other words, this online tool checks whether your page has the factors and functions that are important to Google.

A higher score means a higher loading rate and speed. You can use this tool as a guide to improve your site speed. Don't try too hard to get 100 out of 100 because it's not possible most of the time.

Also, the PageSpeed Insights tool provides useful information about user experience and how to improve it. In addition, based on the analysis it performs, it offers suggestions to increase the speed of the site. Although this tool is made for developers, it gives you ideas on how to optimize your site.

Test My site

Tool Test My site Google's latest tool for analyzing the speed of mobile WordPress sites. The tool will receive your URL and after it completes its test, it will provide this information:

How long it takes to load your site on mobile: How long it takes for your page content to be fully displayed on a 3G network.
Predicted bounce rate: This is a new Google metric. This indicator shows the percentage of page visitors according to its slow loading time (respectively if it is more than 3 seconds).
Industry Comparison: Shows you how you stack up against your peers and which are the top sites.
In addition, it will send you a detailed report of the required corrections via email so that you can reduce your loading time and speed up your mobile WordPress site.


Pingdom tool is also a great but paid tool for web developers and one of the most popular tools for testing WordPress site speed and performance in WordPress. This tool not only gives you information about the performance of the site, but also checks all the parts of the desired page.

You can see the file size of the page, its load time, and more information about each element of the page (such as HTML files, CSS files, images, etc.).

Thus, Pingdom helps you analyze the speed of your WordPress site and identify good practices that you haven't followed so far.

The performance information section of this tool works according to Google Page Speed Insights rules. Another outstanding feature of Pingdom is that it allows you to track your performance history.

This way you can save each test and review it in the future to see your progress. Also, you can keep track of what is currently being done.


WordPress site speed

Tool GTmetrix is a monitoring tool that helps you monitor your site's performance. You can schedule daily, weekly or monthly analytics for the page you want.

Also, you can get visual reports and set alerts based on your performance indicators. GTmetrix reports give you a complete picture of how your site is loading. Also, it provides you with suggestions to improve the speed of your WordPress site.

Increase the speed of WordPress mobile site simply!

Any of the tools mentioned above will help you analyze the page loading speed of your mobile WordPress website. They also provide a general idea of how to improve the performance of your WordPress website.

Using this tool will help you to have a fast and optimized mobile site that more users interact with by making some changes in the settings and configuration of your website and server. Of course, making changes to website configuration and settings may be difficult for those without sufficient web expertise.

But there is no need to worry. Because for this work, coding is not always needed and it can be done using some simple methods. Below we mention some of these methods.

Install WordPress caching plugin.

WordPress pages are dynamic. This means that whenever a user wants to view a post or a page of the site, WordPress processes processes to retrieve and display the desired information so that the desired page is finally displayed to him. This process includes many steps.

Therefore, if several people request to view the site at the same time, it will slow down the site. For this reason, we suggest using the WordPress caching plugin. This plugin saves and makes available some of the steps of the site page recovery process; And it makes the site between 2 and 5 times faster.

Optimize images.

The image gives life to your content and increases the attention and interaction of users. Therefore, the use of color and high-quality images will encourage the user to stay on the site and read your content up to 80% more. So, always use photos in your content. But before uploading it, be sure to use photo editors to optimize the size of the images.

Keep your WordPress site up to date.

As a universal open source program, WordPress is well maintained. Each WordPress update that comes out adds new features and capabilities to this "content management system" and fixes security problems and possible disruptions.

As the site manager, you must always keep your WordPress site up to date and upgrade it to higher versions.

Use a content delivery network (CDN).

Users may enter your site from different geographical locations. Therefore, they will experience different loading speeds. Therefore, the location of your web hosting servers can affect the speed of your site. A CDN is a network of servers around the world, and each server stores your website files.

In this way, considering that your site information is stored in different servers around the world, users who intend to visit your site, according to their geographical location, will receive site information from the nearest server and will experience a higher loading speed. did

Do not upload videos directly to WordPress.

The size of video files is usually high and takes a long time to load. As a result, a lot of server resources will be used to load and display the video. For this reason, it is better to use a video hosting service such as Aparat, etc., and put the video URL inside the page of your site.

This makes the video visible inside your site, but its information is stored and processed on Aparat's server or other video hosting services. In this way, when playing video, although it will be from within your site, there will be no load on your servers, and video hosting servers, which are optimized for video playback, will be used.

There are many ways to increase the speed of your WordPress site, and we have listed some of them in this article. Of course, it is important to note that no WordPress site can be as fast and optimized as a native WordPress application.

Because a native application can use mobile phone resources to process information. So, to provide the best user experience, you can convert your site into a native mobile app and publish it on the Android and iOS app markets.

By doing this, you will improve the user experience of your audience, you will have a new and efficient medium to interact with your users, and you can take advantage of the mobile application for marketing and branding your business.

You can install your own WordPress website application in Apchar create.

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