Apchar application builder blog plugin

Many store app owners tend to provide practical content and educational content to their customers and contacts in addition to selling goods and services. In this regard, the plugin blog designed. In addition to this plugin, you can use the plugin Blog page builder Use it to have more attractive and beautiful content. You can learn about this plugin in Here study

How to activate the blog plugin:

The activation of this plugin is the same as other app builder plugins. First you need the plugin purchased to be After purchasing the license, the plugin activation will be placed on the dashboard of your account on the Appchar site. It is enough to copy this license and activate it in your WordPress, Appchar section, Appchar plugins, blog.

How to set up the blog plugin:

This plugin has no special settings. After activation, all the articles in the WordPress posts section will be displayed in the application. There are small settings for how to display the blog in the Appchar settings section that must be done.

Part I, determining the name of the blog section. The name you specify will be displayed in the application menu.

second part It is related to displaying or not displaying categories of posts. After clicking on the name of the blog in the menu section:

The first mode: display a list of the mode's articles (posts) 

The second mode: the display of categories of posts (categoris) is displayed.

There are pictures of these parts below. Note that the section marked with a red box is related to the blog plugin settings.

Blog plugin
Blog plugin

How to display in the application, the first mode:

How to display in the application, in the second mode:

Changes in the settings of the first page of the application upon activation:

When the blog plugin is added, an element called the list of posts is added to the page builder. This element displays a list of the latest posts on the first page of the app. You can determine the title of this section yourself.


Considering that elements such as slider, grid, full width image and button can be linked (According to this article) accept three new links.

Link to the ID of a specific post, link to the blog categories page and linking to a specific blog category (category ID must be mentioned). Note that if you want to link to a specific category of post or blog category page, you should do so in the plugin settings described above; Be sure to select the category status.

How to get the ID of the post category:

Go to the list of categories of posts and then click the button to edit the desired category. In the page link, you can see the category ID.

How to find post ID (post):

To find the post ID, just click the edit button of the desired article and see your post ID in the post link.

Note: If you have used a page builder or code in your posts, the application will not be able to display them.


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