Add-on for editing registration fields

Activating and setting up the plugin for editing registration fields

First, you need to purchase the add-on for editing registration fields from Appchar website. After purchasing the license, the plugin will be activated in your dashboard inside the Appchar site, at the bottom of the page. After copying the license, you can activate it on your site as follows.

Edit registration fields

After activating the plugin, in the AppChar plugins section, the settings related to editing the registration fields will appear, and the settings will return as shown in the image below.

According to the image above, you can change the visibility status (remove or show the field) and the mandatory fields for the three fields name, surname and username during user registration. You can also change the default values for these three items. For example, get a mobile number instead of a username and make the title a mobile number.
Note 1: Note that you must specify the field type (field value type) so that it works correctly. For example, in our example, if the field type is not mobile, the user can enter anything and register.

Note 2: According to the image, the email cannot be deleted and is mandatory. If you don't want to have an email, you can use the plugin Login via SMS use

Note 3: The password cannot be deleted and is mandatory.

In the user login section, you can only edit the email or username field.
Note 4: If you set the user name to the mobile number in the registration settings and set the field type to mobile, make sure to set this item in the login section so that users can log in without problems.

Note 5: It is not possible to add other fields.

An example for the plugin:

You can see an example of the change in the image. The last name field was removed and the username field was changed to mobile number.

The same changes in the application:

Edit registration fields




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