Review of 4 revenue models of applications

Review of 4 revenue models of applications:

As someone who owns a mobile application, one of the reasons for creating an application is to earn more money from your business, but we will explain to you in 4 models what tricks you can use to get this return on investment or the so-called ROI. But before these explanations, you must first answer a series of questions.

1. What is the purpose of your application?

2. Is your goal to join a big global market or a smaller market?

3. How much did the application cost?

4. With what income model will you get profit?

5. What is the price of your competitors' applications?

Income model

1. Pay Model:

When entering the application markets, according to the pricing that you as the owner of the application have set, the user must pay the fee within the application before using it, of course, because Apple highlights the applications that do not have in-app payment in the Apple Store. It may be a disadvantage of applications that follow this model.

2. Free income model (Free Model):

In this model, the user receives your app at no cost. that the company or organization can generate income from its app in other ways.

3. Freemium model:

This phrase was coined in 2006 by Jared Lukin. It consists of two words: free and premium. The best income model is that in this model, which is most welcomed by startups and application developers, the user gets a number of facilities and features for free. receives a fee for more facilities and capabilities. This revenue model can be considered as a good marketing tool, but in this model, if you are not aware of some things, your business may face challenges. face that will ultimately lead to your failure. 1. In this model, before anything else, you should know what features of your app should be free and what features should be provided to users for free. If you do not make the right choice at this stage, you will surely fail. 2. In this model, it should be clearly explained to the user what valuable thing he is going to get if he recharges his account. 3. In this model, you should always be upgrading your application. 4. In this model, you must understand the value of your free users because they will either become your customers or lead to the attraction of other users.

4. Paymium model:

It is a combination of freemium and payment model. In this model, the customer has to pay the upgrade fee from the very beginning, and if he intends to upgrade and access more facilities and capabilities, he has to pay an additional fee.

The payment model or Paymum is very suitable for when the value of the app is based on the content. The application has clear benefits for customers without the need to access new features.

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