History of notifications

One of the facilities that Appchar application system provides to its users is Unlimited Notification It has already been fully described in an article. In addition to the normal notification status, Advanced Notification It is also embedded in the Apchar system as a plugin. In addition to all these possibilities for sending notifications, you can use the plugin  Notification history In the application, display all the notifications sent to the user.

How to activate the notification history plugin:

This add-on, like other add-ons, must first be purchased on the Apchar site. Then copy the license created on the Appchar site and activate it inside your site.

After activation, it will be added to the name of messages in the menu on the right side of the application. By clicking on the messages section, two sections are available: public messages and personal messages.

Public messages include messages about discounts, new products or notifications that are sent manually and publicly.

Personal messages include product status change notifications as well as manual messages sent to a user.

History of notifications

Clearing the notification history:

You may have sent notifications that you don't want to be displayed to your customers during the test periods of your application. And have the desire to delete these notifications from the notification history of your application. For this, you must refer to your host. Refer to your database. Appchar has a table called wp_appchar_notification_log. Just delete the notifications you want here.



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