User experience and its impact on application development

User experience and its impact on the success of the application

User experience (UX):

Ux stands for User Experience, which literally means user experience, which includes user behaviors, feelings, and attitudes regarding the use of a product, service, or service. Because this issue does not have a specific and fixed formula. According to the desired subjects, there may be many solutions, as a result of which the work is very difficult and time-consuming.

To create an application, user experience is now the first word, and if the application does not have a good user experience, the probability of failure of your application increases.

User experience

The work of a user experience designer is basically to understand what problems a user can have when facing the desired subject, so he must examine the subject in every way and seek to solve its problems.

The goal of the user experience designer is to create a good feeling in the user when using the desired subject so that the user feels that this is what he wanted and buys it.

According to the explanations about user experience, it can be said that UX or user experience has a significant impact on the success or failure of an application.

In principle, the success or failure of an app in the commercial market has a direct relationship with the user's feelings when dealing with and using the application. Here, it should be said that when dealing with an application, the user considers criteria such as ease of use, app usability, efficiency and productivity, and a sense of value. It considers the system, of course, the user experience designer should also pay special attention to these items.

Steps to create user experience:

As we said, creating a good user experience does not have a fixed and specific formula and is based on trial and error, but in order to be able to travel this path faster, you must go through 4 steps, which are:

1. Identify your users:

The users of the application are different, some people want to quickly access the app they want and do the work they want. These people are very important to them.

There are some other people who surf the apps and are less concerned about the end result.

Of course, you can't make one version for these two groups of users. You can focus on the optimal performance for the first group and give them enough information so that they can choose their specific item with an open vision.

    2. Design your application simply

Most mobile users are not interested in reading and following complex and difficult instructions and do not spend much time to learn the app. For them, speed and flexibility are very important so that they can use the application as quickly as possible. Therefore, the application should be as simple as possible. Being more practical and also having the ability to update and support gives a better feeling to the user.

3. Your application should be fully functional

According to statistics, 80% of users need only 20% of app performance. Find original and good solutions and try to make your app fully functional.

4. Update your application regularly

Once you have made your application available to users, it is not the end of your work. You must regularly make corrections with the help of data and information analysis, user feedback and new methods.

And finally, a quote from Tamer Sharon (Google's senior user experience researcher) who says about user experience: The art and science of creating positive emotions through interactions.

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