Plugin settings for sending orders

Many customers prefer to receive their orders when they are ready to receive them. through Add-on for determining when the order will be sent by the store , you can set the delivery schedule so that the user can determine the delivery time. Fast food and restaurant applications, laundries, hypermarkets, fruit shops, etc. need this extension to provide their services to their customers in the best way.

How to activate the add-on for determining when the order will be sent by the store:

First you need a license Add-on for determining when the order will be sent by the store Purchased from Appchar website. Then, download the add-on from Appchar support and install it on your site. Also, in WordPress, Appchar, the section of Appchar plugins, the plugin license should be activated. In the WooCommerce tab, there is a new tab called Order Shipping Time, settings must be made from this section.

Delivery Time Slot

According to the picture above, you first set the delivery time and day according to your taste. Then determine the number of days that can be displayed. It can be displayed for up to 30 days. The holiday is not displayed in the list.

There are two important parts in the picture above. which are numbered and will be explained in detail below.

1- In this section, you must enter the time period. Each row is a time interval.

2- It is preparation time. Preparation time should be determined in minutes for each interval.

This part is one of the most important parts of the settings. Usually, supermarket systems do not need a specific time, but laundries or restaurants may need time to prepare and it is suitable for managing shipments. For example, you can set orders that must be sent at 8:00 a.m., must have been placed at least 760 minutes before the order was placed. This way of working time management will be suitable for you

If the preparation time field is left blank, it is considered zero

Setting the shipping time for each product:

In addition to the general settings for sending goods, you may have orders, which have different preparation times. You can refer to the product you want and enter its exclusive preparation time according to the image below. According to the image, you must enter the time in minutes.
Note: The preparation time of your specific product is added to the general preparation time (the time set in each time frame).
Note 2: If there are several products in the shopping cart, the longest preparation time for collection is considered with the preparation time of the product.

Date setting:
If you want the date to be displayed in addition to the days, it is enough to have the Farsi WooCommerce plugin on your site (probably this plugin is available on all Iranian WooCommerce sites) and then activate the solar date in the tools section. do it)

How to display the plugin in the application:

How to display information in the order:

In the details of each order, at the bottom of the page, there is a section called custom fields. You can see the time of sending in it. Of course, in the order details, the account settlement information section is also available.


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