free download

The exclusive add-on for free download of Apchar application maker is suitable for those who sell virtual products and files in their store. This plugin helps you to make your free products more easily and better available to the users of your store application and also your website.

How to install and activate the free download plugin:

This Apchar extension, with WordPress plugin direct download free version, has been coordinated. To activate the plugin, just refer to Apchar plugins and plugin buy the The license is on your dashboard page on the Appchar site, at the bottom of the page. Copy from the site and then activate it on your site. After activation, the side of the app does not have any settings.

free download

The second step is to install the direct download WordPress plugin.

From Here download.

After installing this plugin, settings will be opened in the WooCommerce tab, which are all for the site.

How to define a free downloadable product:

You must define it like a normal downloadable product. But leave the price of the product zero.

The difference between the product with zero price and free download:

In normal mode, if the value of the product is zero, it should be added to the cart and go through the registration process, but in the free download mode, it can be easily downloaded there.

Show free download in the application:



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