Store opening hours

At Appchar Application BuilderIt has been tried to provide services for all kinds of stores. Some businesses, such as restaurants, need to set working hours to provide their services. For this purpose, AIncreased store hours It is embedded, which is set as follows.

Shop hours scheduling plugin settings:

After purchasing the add-on for scheduling shop hours, you must activate the license.

Store opening hours

After the plugin is activated, go to the Apchar plugins section and view the settings related to the store's working hours. According to the picture below, it is divided into two parts.
1- Schedule settings 2- Categories time

Schedule settings:

By opening the add-on for scheduling the store's working hours, the first part is the schedule. According to the picture, there are one-hour intervals and they are distinguished by blue and red colors. Times in red are store closing hours.

At the end of the page, there is also a place to set the message, which is displayed at the top of the app. Even if the user cannot see the message at the top of the page, by pressing the add to cart button, the relevant error will be displayed.

Store opening hours


Display on the site:


Please note that only messages are displayed on the site and it is not possible to prevent them from being added to the basket.

Display in the app:

Note: If the application is in normal mode and does not have a professional shopping cart plugin, the add to cart button will not work at all and the closing message will be displayed at the top of the pages.

If the professional shopping cart plugin is active, there is a different behavior according to the professional shopping cart model, in addition to a fixed message that is displayed on all pages.

If the toggle model is active: the products are added to the cart, but it does not go beyond the shopping cart section. (Products can be stored until the working hours are activated, to continue shopping)

If the simple or keyboard model is active, after pressing the registration button, the error of the store not being active will be seen.


Schedule of categories:

In some cases, you may determine the working time based on a certain category. This item has different uses, for example, you have a restaurant that you want to order only breakfast at a certain time, lunch at another time, and dinner at another time. The best thing to do is to use the same batch schedule.

According to the image below, you select the category you want and then determine the working time of the category (in the specified time frame, the product can be purchased).

Store opening hours


When your customers click on a product in this category to make a purchase, they will encounter an error written in the box.

Display on the site:

Display in the app:

In the application, depending on the status of the professional or normal shopping cart, the conditions are different.

Normal mode: As soon as the add to cart button is clicked, the specified error is displayed.

Professional shopping cart, toggle mode: In this state, no message is displayed and the product is added to the cart, but eventually it is automatically removed from the cart.

Professional shopping cart in simple mode and keyboard: In this mode, or by clicking the add button and specifying the number, the specified message will be displayed.

Store opening hours

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