What should be done to design an iOS store application?

What should be done to design an iOS store application?

By providing the Xcode development environment and the Swift programming language, as well as various tools and facilities such as Metal, Apple has facilitated the possibility of designing iOS store applications for iPhone and iPad. Designing an iOS store application may seem very complicated and difficult at first, but due to the various training resources and tricks that are available today, this task has become easier.

There are many topics related to iOS application design that it is not possible to talk about all of them here. Therefore, we will continue with the important things that you need to do.

The starting point for iOS store application developers

If you do not have enough knowledge and skills in the field of programming and at the same time you decide to enter the field of design and development of Apple's ios store application, the first step is to learn Swift. But before you start learning Swift, we suggest you read this article to the end to get a clearer picture of iOS store app design.

Register in the Apple Developers section

The first thing you need to do is sign up for Apple Developers. After you register as a developer on the Apple site, you will get access to various useful information and features that will enable you to build, test, and then publish an application.

Registering in the Apple developer section is free, and through it you can design and test the application. But to publish or sell the application, you have to pay the subscription fee, which is around $100.

Planning before starting design

Before starting the design of the iOS store application, you must draw its map. There are no specific rules or guidelines for this. Our suggestion is to specify and write down these things first:


Determine all the features and facilities that your application should have. Beware of the temptation to add new features and capabilities during implementation, as many people fall for it and forget the main goal while working. Therefore, before designing and implementing, determine what facilities and features your application will have and stick to it.

Design and style.

How do you want your iOS application to convey to the audience? What is its design and style supposed to be? Is it a happy and friendly app, or is it formal and formal? Decide on the design and style of your application according to the type of audience and the features it is going to offer.

User interface design.

Application design, like construction, requires a map. Just as in the map of an apartment, the location of the rooms, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, and walls and windows are specified, the map of your application should also include all parts and components of the application, including the locations of images and text, titles , show buttons, menus, logos, and other options. Therefore, draw the user interface of your application on paper or inside the software.

Content preparation.

Apple provides you with a set of pre-designed icons and buttons for use inside the application. But you must prepare the content of the application, such as images, texts, logos, graphic elements, and audio and video files.
Anticipate the required software and hardware equipment and facilities in your planning and prepare them before starting the work.

iOS application programming and development

If you plan to enter the field of iOS store application design, you need to know its programming. However, how hard or easy programming is for you depends on your knowledge, experience, and interest. Of course, Apple's Swift language has removed many shortcomings and limitations, and the work has become easier for programmers.

To create iPhone and iPad applications, the Xcode program is used, which is an "integrated software development environment", and this program belongs to Apple itself. To learn more about Apple's development environment, we suggest you check and study the introductory and advanced educational resources of the Swift programming language.

Hiring iOS store application developer

If you don't feel like becoming an "iOS store app developer", or if it doesn't suit your mood and inclinations, you can work with an individual or a development team. Of course, hiring a professional app developer is not an easy task; Both in terms of finding the right person and in terms of costs. b

However, if your idea is attractive and profitable, it is worth thinking more seriously about cooperation with developers. You should definitely not hire a person or people full time. Rather, you can cooperate with mobile application development companies.

Use of the serviceApplication makerThere is another option that you can think about. But before hiring manpower or signing a contract with a mobile application development or application maker company, be sure to check their knowledge, skills, and work history.

Publish the application in the Apple App Store

After designing the iOS store app and passing the testing and quality control steps, you must send it to Apple for publication in the App Store. In this regard, Apple has a "comprehensive application submission guideline" based on which it examines applications applying for registration in the App Store.

Until one or two years ago, the app review and approval process in the App Store took about a week. But recently, this period has decreased significantly, and Apple claims that it will review the application and announce the result within 24 hours. It is still unclear how Apple reduced the review time to such an extent. Whether he reduced the number of cases he controls or used other methods is not yet known.

However, sometimes Apple rejects requests to register applications in the App Store for various reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to send sufficient documents and explanations about your application and ensure that no immoral and offensive content is used in your application.

Now that you know the important things to consider before designing an iOS application, you should prepare and write your plan. Then decide whether to code yourself or work with iOS app developers.

An important point for Iranian users is Apple's sanctions against Iran. If you plan to design an ios store application for the country, you will have a lot of trouble to publish it in the App Store (of course, the cost-effective Appchar customers will not have a difficult path).


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