Application naming rules

App naming rules:

Some app owners don't care much about the name of the app and their thinking is that unless the purpose of launching an app is to sell more products, then they don't see the need to involve themselves in naming rules.

If the marketing laws have undergone huge changes in the last few decades, and the increase in the ability of sales forces and the expansion of sales channels and the speed of product delivery to the customer, the quality and uniqueness of the products are not the only factors of victory in the field of competition. Rather, a suitable naming can give you a larger share of the sales market, because these names remain in the customer's mind, and the chances of winning in the market are much higher than non-standard and repetitive names.

Naming the application

Naming an application, brand, or company seems simple and basic, but it is actually a complicated process that if you don't follow some rules, you might choose an inappropriate name that will cause serious problems for you in the future.

First of all, you need to know what meaning you want the company name to convey in the minds of your customers. And if you make him feel good along with curiosity, he will definitely be eager to download your app.

List of application naming rules:

1. The name of the application should create a good feeling along with the user's curiosity, warning! Do not use negative names.

2. Your name must be unique. Names taken from reputable brands or your competitors are not worth much. Your name must be unique and easy to pronounce and write.

3. The name should be easy. Using hard and complicated names makes it less memorable in users' minds. Being short is different from being easy. Sometimes a name is relatively long, but it is very simple and lasting.

4. The name should not limit your functionality. Maybe you intend to add things to your app in the future. Avoid names that limit you to one task.

5. Use descriptive names because it directs the customer's mind to the services you provide and this has a significant effect on attracting customers.

6. Don't forget the sound. In naming your app, use names that have a special song because these names will have a better chance of being effectively advertised.

7. Avoid names that are fashionable for a while. These names may seem very good at first, but because fashion is a passing trend, when it ends, your name will also be forgotten.

8. Choose a name that best represents the constituent elements of your abilities.

9. Choose a name that can be designed very attractive and catchy when advertising paper and graphics.

10. Since your application is going to be placed on the Internet, you should be able to choose a name that, if you want to have a website next to it, the original name is equal to your Internet domain address.

11- Check the names you choose in the application naming process. It may have an inappropriate or insulting meaning in local dialects and dialects.

And finally, the impact of your chosen name on the position your brand will find in the market cannot be ignored. In short, successful names are those that are exciting, lasting, have identity and depth, but only the name of a brand will not cause long survival, but other key factors such as quality and user satisfaction are also involved in this matter. Do not forget to name the application.

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