How to make users fall in love with your app?

How to make users fall in love with your app

Customers' love for the application means their loyalty. Due to the large number of applications in the business market, users are more strict about choosing applications. When users enter markets or store pages, you as an application developer You must be able to make customers love the application at first sight.

1. The application icon is the first place to make customers love the application:

At first glance, what users see from an app is its icon design, color and name. It is better for your brand name to be a lasting name and related to your business. Also, your app icon should be creative in the eyes of the customer, with the concept of having the right color and size, which was previously an article about the points to be considered in the design of the application icon. If you like, we have provided a detailed service for you. (link to the article)

2. Application home page:

After you have successfully completed the first step and the user has downloaded your app, you should not think that the work is over, on the contrary, this is just the beginning of your work. Now the user goes to your splash screen, which should include information such as the application logo, the name of the developer, the slogan of the developer, and it can even have special effects. The purpose of this page is to inform the user and also for Stimulates the user's feelings. Of course, the loading of this page should take less than a few seconds so that the user does not have to wait too long. In previous articles, we have provided comprehensive explanations on how to create this page for your service. (link to the article)

3. Main page of the application:

When your app enters its main page, the first elements that come to the user's eyes are the color scheme, the location of the buttons and the text of the application. The text should be very concise and useful and free of any additional information.

Considering that the simpler your app is designed, the more willing the customer is to use it, but for some apps that are relatively complex, it is better to have a guide option that briefly and clearly guides the user to work with the application. guide the target.

Of course, one cannot ignore the impact of updating the application on time and sending notifications at the right time in making customers fall in love and loyal to your application.

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