What businesses need the application?

What businesses need the application?

Do you know that the sale of smartphones has surpassed the sale of computers in the world? It is expected that more than one and a half billion smartphones will be sold worldwide this year. Since smartphones have made it possible for you to perform a series of operations, including a phone call, banking operations, buying and selling products and thousands of other operations, anywhere and anytime, this ability has made people at any time who find free time to check their mobile phone applications, that's why mobile applications have become the main part of marketing and sales strategies.

Considering the high 140% penetration rate of mobile phones in people's lives, we have to admit that people are either sleeping or online. In this regard, the easy access of users to the mobile internet has caused that only one percent of people do not access the internet with their smartphones. become

According to what was said, do you think this potential opportunity should not be used to attract more customers?

Different aspects of using mobile phones in business:

1. Economic aspect:

If you want to have loyal customers, the best choice between a mobile application and a website is the mobile application, because the mobile application only needs to be downloaded by users once, then by sending a notification at the right time and place, you can turn users into customers. Become loyal and there is no need for expensive advertising anymore.

If website users have to visit your website every time to get new information, and to do this, you have to incur additional costs for advertising on social networks.

2. Competitive aspect:

As you know, in today's business, the competition is tight and even seconds are valuable, but if your competitors have an application, don't be disappointed that you are lagging behind them, because it has a number of advantages for you, including: You can check the applications of competitors in every way to understand the weaknesses and strengths of their applications, and this is an opportunity for you to create a stronger and more efficient application. Another advantage is that you no longer need to spend money and time to train users.

Just start your reviews as soon as possible and start building a strong application so that you can create a good user experience in the minds of your contacts and captivate them.

3. Social aspect:

The majority of Internet users are young people between the ages of 16 and 36 years old, if this number is more than 25% of Internet users, it means that more than a quarter of your potential customers are familiar with mobile technology and the Internet and can see your ads. Receive through mobile phones.

Now, with a simple survey of Internet users, you can find out if it's time for your business to have an application. For this, you can ask customers in person and also in virtual spaces whether they would like to use Application to get to know your products? If the majority answer is positive, it means that you should start building an application.

4. Technology aspect:

As you know, third generation and fourth generation mobile internets started operating in our country, Iran, which have made great progress in terms of speed. When you think of an application for your business, you show your users that you are with technology and you care about the comfort of your customers, this makes users attach great importance to your application.

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