What is SEO and why is it important?

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It means taking actions and activities to optimize the website and get a higher rank in the results of Google or other search engines.

It is focused on activities that increase the ranking of the site organically (naturally). In this article, we answer the question "What is SEO" and point out some of the factors affecting it. Stay with us.

Google algorithm

In SEO, efforts are made to make the website compatible with Google's algorithms so that it can get a higher rank in the search results. Although Google's algorithms are confidential, and Google never makes its algorithms available, the years of activity and experience of SEOs around the world have made some important and effective factors to be identified.

These important and effective factors, which together determine the position and rank of your site in search engines, are divided into these 2 categories: internal optimization and external optimization.

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Effective factors:

1- Internal optimization

The meaning of internal optimization is the optimization of all internal factors and different pages of the site. You should know that all the technical aspects of your site are important and can affect its SEO ranking. Of course, if you have used globally recognized CMS, such as WordPress, to design and launch your site, you can be technically at ease.

Because WordPress takes into account all the technical aspects that affect this issue and is an SEO-friendly platform.

The structure, speed and content of your website are important factors in internal SEO. Therefore, your site should have a map and sitemap, its files should be optimized and compressed, cache should be used, and constantly publish new, useful and targeted content that will attract users and keep them on the site.

Another important internal factor is that your website is optimized for mobile. Considering that a large number of users visit sites by mobile, it is important for Google that the user can get a good user experience from your site on mobile. Thus, your site design must be responsive, and its content must conform to mobile standards.

2- External optimization

In addition to internal factors, there are other factors that influence. These factors exist off-site and you have less control over them than internal factors. Therefore, influencing external factors and in general, external optimization is more difficult than internal optimization.

The most important external optimization factor is link building. Although internal link building is also important in SEO, getting links from other sites to your site has a very high impact on your site's SEO. In link building, what is important is the quality of the link, not its quantity.

That is, if a reputable site that has both high traffic and its topic is related to your site's topic links to your site, the value of that link in SEO is much higher than a bunch of links that come from unknown and unrelated sites.

Another external optimization factor that is very important in SEO is the amount of competition in the market. In some markets, it is more difficult to rank high on Google due to the high level of competition between companies and businesses on the Internet. But in some other industries and markets, it is easier to rank in Google because there are no major players and there is little competition in that area.

Using SEO tools

If you are serious about SEO, you need different tools and software to help you identify, analyze, and identify opportunities.

Various companies have been active in this field for many years and have gained experience; And they provide various services in the field of content optimization, keyword research, reporting site warnings and errors, competition status, link building, and traffic analysis.

There are no shortcuts in SEO and it takes time, activity, and persistence to get ranked. Of course, there are some quick-fire methods along the way that try to pretend your site is optimized to fool Google's bots. But these methods, which are called black hat SEO, damage the site's position in the long run.

Google's effort is always to provide useful and relevant content to searchers, and if a fraudulent site reaches a position it does not deserve, it will damage Google's reputation. Therefore, Google always tries to find such sites.

And finally, sooner or later, a site that has done black hat SEO will be found out by Google, and then heavy fines will await that fraudulent site.

Therefore, if you want to rank and rank high on the search pages for your keywords, you must first prove that you are the best and that you deserve that position.

be the best
Being the best means that your site is technically excellent, offers a good user experience, is highly secure, and publishes first-hand, useful, and engaging content. Therefore, to be the best you need to focus on all SEO factors, both internal and external. And for this you must have strategy, resources, and planning.

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