Tabs in the application

In every application, there should normally be a section in the menu where you can place tabs such as contact us, about us, rules and regulations, and similar tabs. In the app store app, Sheets should be simple and made without using coding or page builder plugins such as Visual Composer, etc.

To create a tab, just go to WordPress tabs on your site and click create a new tab. And put the prepared text.

After publishing the paper, refer to Opchar, the papers.


After publishing the paper, refer to Opchar, the papers.

In the tab selection section, there is a table as shown in the image below. In one, you put the icon you want (for the icon, you can go to this site and use the emojis that can be used in the app in the settings). In one, you write the title of the sheet (this title is displayed in the app menu). Then, choose the desired sheet from the list of sheets that will be displayed to you.

This is how you can put the information you want in the application.

Show tabs in the application:


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