Product expiration time

Product expiration time plugin, will help you to convert your store application into a discount application similar to Netberg and Hesuthan.

How to activate the product expiration time extension:

First, visit the Appchar site and Product expiration time plugin buy the After purchasing the plugin, a license will be created for you, or you can copy and paste the license on your site to activate the plugin.

After activating the plugin, you must define your products as follows. These products are like other products. You create a product with your desired specifications. Bad about its pricing, considering that Netbergi products are discounted products. Enter the original price and the special price. Then set the time of starting and ending the sale as shown in the image below.

Product expiration time

Display the plugin in the application:

Products that are on sale will have a sale time counter added to their details. And the user will know the remaining days and hours of the sale.

Product expiration time


Now, any product for which the sale date has not been determined or the sale time has ended, goes to the expired status and the possibility of buying the product is denied to the user.

If you wish, the amount of the discount will be displayed on the product, it is enough, according to Settings guideActivate the option you want. In your application, you can display discounts in the following two ways.

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