For these 7 reasons, you need an Android and IOS store application

For these 7 reasons you need Android and IOS store application

What is the impact of Android and IOS store applications on business activities? Why do small and medium-sized businesses think of designing and building Android and IOS store applications? If you think that only organizations and big companies need mobile apps, you are wrong. Small and medium-sized companies have also realized the important point that a mobile strategy is more than just a "responsive website".

You may have noticed that these days many of the companies and brands you deal with have Android and IOS store applications and communicate with their customers in this way. These are usually progressive companies that try to offer the latest services to their audience.

If you are not sure why you should have your own branded app, read this appchar article. Here we have explained 7 advantages of Android and IOS store apps for businesses. Stay with us until the end.

1. With the Android and IOS store application, you will always be seen

Our people spend a lot of time using their mobiles during the day, and according to statistics they use smartphones even more than the global average.

Of course, although users usually use specific applications during the day, which are mostly social networks and media messages, but to use the same apps, they must unlock the phone and browse the page or list of apps; And in the meantime, they will definitely come across your application, and your name and logo will be unconsciously registered in their memory.

2. Creating a direct marketing channel

Many things can be done using the Android and IOS store application: receiving information, viewing the prices of goods, reserving services, searching, creating a user account, sending messages, informing about news and events, and many more.

One of the most important advantages of the Android and IOS store application is that through it all the information, such as the latest products, events, discounts, and Special offers, will be at the fingertips of your customers.

Also, using Ability to send notifications (Announcement) You can establish a close and direct relationship with users and remind them of your desired content at the appropriate time.

3. Creating value for customers

With the help of mobile application, you can offer various valuable features to your customers and make the work easier for them. For example, if you have loyalty programs or customer clubs, you probably store customer information, purchase history, points, and discounts on magnetic cards.

But with the mobile app, you can do it digitally. The result will be greater convenience for customers, more interaction with the Android and IOS store application, and download and promotion, which will lead to customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

4. Creating awareness about your brand

Brand awareness means that the customer knows a brand and can remember it. "Brand awareness" is an important issue in customer awareness, advertising management, and brand management, and it plays a significant role in formulating the development strategy of companies.

The fact that the customer knows the brand and is able to remember it will play an important role in his decision to buy. If the customer doesn't know what your products are and doesn't know your brand, he won't visit you when buying.

Therefore, creating brand awareness is the goal of many businesses and a mobile application can help you a lot in this task. Let us divide the topic of brand awareness into two parts, "brand" and "awareness", and look at each one separately and see how your application can play a role in this field:


Android and IOS store application is like an empty billboard. You can implement any design and message you want on it; Your design can be stylish, simple, functional, surprising, and informative. But what is important is that the audience is interested in your design and message and communicates with it.

Therefore, the Android and IOS store application can present the design and message of your brand in a beautiful, efficient and effective way to the customer and provide him with facilities that increase his interest in your brand.


The more your customers use the Android and IOS store application, the sooner they will want to buy your goods and services. This continuous use of the app and frequent viewing of your brand name and icon will make your brand more and better seen and remembered.

5. Improving communication with the customer

Regardless of what product or service you offer, your customers must have a way to communicate with you. If you have a messaging service inside Optan, you can make a significant change in the way you communicate with your customers.

6. Differentiation from competitors

Currently, there are not many small businesses that have an Android and iOS store app, and this is an advantage for you; Because it makes you surpass your competitors. Be the first person in your neighborhood or city to give your customers an Android and IOS store application. Your customers will definitely recognize you as a leading business.

7. Creating customer loyalty

The last advantage that we will mention in this article, of course, more advantages can be listed about the Android and IOS store application, but we will limit ourselves to these 7 advantages here, is that you can use the Android and IOS store application to create a sense of loyalty towards Build your brand among customers.

Considering the large amount of advertisements that surround customers day and night, such as billboards and banners in the streets, newspaper advertisements, magazines and radio and television, subway and bus station advertisements, tracts and brochures, discount codes, websites, online advertising banners , and advertising emails, companies are facing difficult and complex conditions to deliver the message and influence the audience.

In such a situation, it is necessary to establish a close and honest relationship with customers through the Android and IOS store application and gain their trust and loyalty. Of course, we do not claim that the Android and IOS store application will solve all problems and cause your business to grow and flourish. But it will definitely make you establish a closer relationship with your customers and be at their fingertips.

Now that you are more familiar with the advantages of Android and IOS store application, you can use it for your business. But where should you start to make a mobile app? There are two ways to do this:

Outsourcing your mobile app development project to one of the Android and IOS store app design and development companies, or hiring an Android and IOS store app development team within your collection.
Using one of the online automatic app maker services, such as Appchar Application Builder, by which you can create your mobile app without programming.
Android and IOS store application will definitely be a part of every business in the future. Therefore, your choice today is the foundation of your future business.

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