4 tips in IOS application design

Four points in IOS application design

The design of IOS application or any other programming language is definitely regulated and under a standard, if the rules are not followed, you will definitely have an application that is formless and non-functional.

1. Integrated visual identity of IOS application design

The meaning of integrated visual identity is that all the colors and the design type of all the icons and pages fit each other, have a reason for each color and know why you put that color next to the other colors, look at the color rules and Find out how the harmony between colors is.

2. Look at the application

It is possible to put thousands of different tools in designing an IOS application, but is it necessary? Pay more attention to the functionality of the app than its completeness. The practicality of the app means that it meets the needs of the audience, believe me, a beautiful app is not beautiful without meeting the needs of the user!

3. Look at the hands!

Our hands have their own language, a language that has a direct connection with the brain. But our hands today are like a separate entity that has its own intelligence, even though our hands have lost power, they have become faster, so if your IOS application is not fast and smooth, it will definitely be a failure. Hands push it back.

When designing your IOS application, pay close attention to the hands, find the radius of movement of the fingers, design your app both for people who work with the app with one hand and those who use the app with two hands. Design icons for normal hands, icons should not be too big or too small. Consider the accessibility of each icon for touch.

Another issue is to consider the movement of the hand when touching several icons. Do not design in such a way that the hand moves too much to go back and forth and fall out of rhythm.

4. Respect the information!

In the design of the IOS application, a good place for information should be considered, the information should be brought in the form of a hammer and blow, and the person does not need to read a lot. Be careful that people are generally impatient in using the app. If your app is disseminating information, then remove all factors and do not disturb the focus of the audience as much as you can. In this case, the less visible your app is, the better.

But if your app uses static information. Try to be as helpful and clear as you can. The meaning of useful is to avoid side information and go directly to the main point. And the meaning of being frank is not to stretch the guts and act transparently. The more information you respect in the design of the IOS application, the better the result will be.

The four points given above, if used optimally in the design of an IOS application or any other programming language, will definitely lead to the production of a better app. All of the above in Appchar Application Builder Is respected.

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