Catalog the application

Dedicated plugin Catalog mode, one of Exclusive add-ons for the app store application Is. This plugin will help you customize the features of the store application. When you have stopped selling for a short time (for example, Nowruz days), it helps you easily catalog the app and get the possibility of placing orders from your users.

This plugin helps you to target the purchase and price of your products and your users can only view your products by referring to the app and the possibility of purchasing is removed.

How to activate the catalog mode plugin:

First, visit the Appchar site, add-ons section, etcCatalog increase buy the After purchasing the plugin, there is an activation license at the bottom of the dashboard. Copy the license and then paste it in a non-web environment (Word or Telegram, etc.) and then copy it again from there and put it on your site and finally activate the plugin.

After the plugin is activated, it is enough to refer to Appchar settings and check the activation of catalog mode and save the information. With this, your store will easily become a catalog of your products.

Show catalog mode in the application:

products List:

Note: In this situation, no information such as product availability or price is displayed.


Product details:

No price is displayed in this section.

Right menu:

The order history section is deleted:



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