Plugin settings for custom products tab

Using a dedicated plugin Appchar products custom tab In addition to the product description, you can create different tabs to express different product features.

Activating and setting up the product custom tab plugin:

First, get the plugin from Appchar site and then remove the purchased license from the dashboard page and activate it on your site.

To activate the plugin, you must first purchase the plugin license and then activate the purchased license from the Appjar plugins section.

Custom Products tab

After activating the product custom tab extension, go to the appchar settings section and set the maximum number of tabs you want (for example, we have set 3 tabs in the settings). Pay attention to the specified number of tabs, custom tabs are created for each product.

To enter the information, we refer to the desired product and edit it (for new products, there are custom tabs).

In the created custom tabs (our example has three tabs), you must first enter the title of the tab and then enter your desired description. In our example, 2 more tabs are not filled and only these two tabs are displayed.
Note: This information must be defined in each product.

Note: Note that the title of the tab must be entered. Otherwise, the information will not be displayed.

Display in the application:

Tabs open as drawers and descriptions are displayed.



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